Monday, November 15, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

Well, we put up our tree this weekend! Yes, it is very early. Much earlier than I'd usually do it. However, last year Scott and I bought a tree after Christmas on clearance at Hobby Lobby, WITHOUT having ever seen it!! I thought it was a huge risk, but for $60, we thought we'd chance it. I wanted to make sure I'd like it because if I didn't, we'd have to get a different one.

This tree is, how shall I say it? BEAUTIFUL!!! I LOVE it!!! It is rather tall though, 9ft!! We can't put it in the usual tree spot in the corner, because it hits the ceiling. Oh well. It's beautiful. It's very rustic looking. Slender with different tips and little pinecones. We went with a dark color scheme. So pretty.

Lincoln too has a tree. A light blue one. He's excited to have one in his room. We just have to find some fun decorations for it. :)

Anyway, we haven't forgotten about Thanksgiving. We always have a lot to be thankful for. Love, Life, and everything in between.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

Lincoln was a golfer this year! He loves to ride his cart around on a regular basis, so I thought how fun it would be to make it an accessory to his Halloween costume! He even carried a golf ball bucket Easter bucket we had already to collect his candy in. He had soooo much fun. He decided on the way to the third block that he was done with trick or treating for the year. It was interesting trying to convince him that he couldn't eat all of his candy that night. :)