Tuesday, December 7, 2010

TTC Update

I thought I'd give an update because I had a friend recently inquire about the status of our TTC (trying to conceive) and it's just that...we're still TTC. I'll begin Clomid again this month and another waiting game begins. I'm not overly emotional about it at the moment, I know it will happen when God wants it to. Until then...waiting.

Monday, December 6, 2010

"What do you want for Christmas little boy?"

Lincoln went to see Santa just after Thanksgiving. I thought maybe he'd be a little hesitant at first, but nope. When it was his turn he ran up to Santa and plopped on his lap. He apparently told him he wanted a Christmas tree (even though we have one in the living room, and he has his own in his room!), and a Buzz Lightyear. I'd asked him before what he was going to ask Santa for and he said a Christmas tree. I asked him if that was all, didn't he want something else like a Buzz Lightyear? So, that is where that came from. :) Little goof.