Thursday, November 5, 2009

Another one bites the dust...

Well, up until late last week, our family had remained healthy. But it seems that everything that has been going around has unfortunately finally caught up to us. Thankfully, (knock on wood), it's not H1N1 or other influenza. It started over the weekend, Lincoln was a bear. He lost a lot of his appetite for food and drinks and was 'Oscar the grouch'. He never had a fever, but nonetheless we gave him motrin because we could tell he wasn't feeling that good.

On another note, I accepted my first nursing job working in a pediatric office in Cedar Rapids!

Our practice is a group of 7 pediatricians, 1 Nurse Practitioner, & 1 Physician's Assistant (7 people are in my office and 2 in the other, there are two locations in CR) and I will be the primary nurse to one of the pediatricians! The picture below are the providers (minus one). I will be working for Dr. Linda McDermott. She is the 3rd in from the right, with the striped shirt. She's very nice and I think I will enjoy working with her. =)

So, I accepted my job on Monday but waited to start until Wednesday because of Lincoln not feeling well. Today (Thursday), I got my first call at work. It was from Lincoln's daycare. He woke up from his nap and wasn't acting like his usual self. So the teacher took his temperature and yup, he had a fever. So I put in a call to daddy who was able to pick him up and take him to the doctor and our poor guy has a double ear infection. =( So he's now on a 10 day course of Amoxicillin. He can't go back to daycare until he's been fever free for 24 hours. So, Scott will be staying home with him tomorrow so I don't have to call in my first week of work.
Now, to add more fuel to the fire, I started developing a sore throat Tuesday night, of course, the night before I started my new job! I still have it, making it painful to swallow and everything. So, mommy might end up going into the doctor too. My co-workers were like 'How can you already be sick? It's only your second day!' because well, basically when you work in a doctor's office, especially a pediatricians office, you're working in a petri dish. I was told I'd probably often be sick, but I didn't expect it to start right away. (really, I'm joking, I know it wasn't from my new job.)
Here's hoping Lincoln and I get to feeling better over the weekend!

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