Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lincoln turns 3!

It's official, our sweet boy Lincoln John turned 3 on May 1st! It is still so weird to say that...
Our first celebration was on May 2nd (my 29th Birthday, ick) with Scott's family at a brunch the morning after the wonderful reception celebrating the marriage of Scott's sister Melissa and her husband Adam. :) Aunt Missy even had a big cookie made that said "Happy Birthday Lincoln and Andrea". It was very sweet. Lincoln loves spending time with all of them, as we all do. :)

Our second celebration was on May 9th (Mother's Day) at a park with my family and a few friends, which was nice, because we got to celebrate mom's too. The weather in our area had been less than desirable that week to say the least! It had been really chilly and super windy, so we were a little apprehensive of what the weather was going to do the day of the party, despite the forecast of 60's and sun. But it was beautiful! There was a slight chill in the air, but the winds had died and the day was absolutely lovely. The next day however, was awful, so thankfully, we couldn't have planned it better or asked for anything more. Of course, the celebration wouldn't have been complete without showcasing Lincoln's current favorite pal, Mickey Mouse! I even borrowed a Mickey shirt to wear from Katie just for my Lincoln and Lincoln wore a Mickey shirt from his Aunt Mindy. :)

He loved all the Mickey stuff everywhere! (I actually borrowed a few of the Mickey items from Katie's son Grant, for visual effect.) :) Thanks!

My favorite thing at the party besides the birthday boy, was the cake. I was so happy with how it turned out. I selected a cake from one of the display books they had, and had them add the element of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse from a few of the pictures of cakes I'd researched.



Lincoln evidently loved his cake too, he ended up sobbing when I started to cut it!! He didn't want me cutting his Mickey cake!! Poor guy, he was so upset. It was rather darling though, I had to pick him up and comfort him. :(

Eventually, I was able to cut the cake and like I said before, it was a wonderful time celebrating birthday's and mom's. So I'll end with this, a picture of one tired Birthday boy, who was asleep before we pulled out of the park's parking lot. :)

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