Friday, September 3, 2010


Whoot-whoot! First game of the season against Northern Illinois and our CYCLONES win!!! YAY!!!! Here's a few old pics of us supporting our team. :)

I was pregnant with Lincoln in this picture. Our dearly missed friend Shannon Smith is goofing off in the background. :) Then there's Jill and Spencer Smith, Scott and I.

Lincoln was 2 months old in these pics. No, we're not 'those people' who request that our son be a legacy. We will support Lincoln in whatever college he decides to go to. Although, we may 'encourage', ok, heavily encourage that he go to ISU and be an FH'er. :) Mommy also wants him to be close by. :)

This was at the Iowa State Fair. Lincoln was just 3 months old. It was boiling hot that day!!

This was in Lincoln, NE at an ISU vs. UNL game. We had skybox tickets and it was amazing!!!! Nonie, my mom, got Lincoln the bib he's wearing. It says "I can't talk, but I'm a Cyclone!"

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