Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remembering 9/11, 9 years later...

I remember this day 9 years ago. I will never forget as I watched from the Kappa TV Room while waiting to walk with people to class, seeing the tragic events unfolding in New York. I remember calling Scott at FarmHouse and saying "turn on your TV!!! A plane just crashed into one of the WTC towers!" Then shortly after, they showed the second tower hit. My heart still aches for those who lost their lives and for those who lost loved ones. May God Bless those that lost their lives in the flights that crashed into the WTC's as well as those on Flights 77 & 93.

On a different note. Today is the fight for the CYHAWK trophy. The Cyclones will face off at 2:30PM with The Hawkeyes in their territory. Needless to say, Scott and I won't be out much today, as we live in "Hawkeye Country" and the traffic is nuts!!! Win or lose, we're Cyclones, through and through.

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