Sunday, January 23, 2011

New furniture! 7 1/2 years after the wedding...Part 1

While we have greatly appreciated all the 'hand me down' furniture gifted to us by both sides of our families, the time has come for us to purchase our very own new furniture. We got to thinking about it and how we thought it was our first new furniture, but it's not, our very first new furniture was our kitchen tables and chairs, so even though techincally this won't be our first new furniture, it feels like it!!

We have gone countless places looking for a living room set and a bedroom set. We haven't decided on a bedroom set yet, but we purchased our living room set yesterday at HomeMakers Furniture (owned by Nebraska Furniture Mart) in Des Moines yesterday. We're very excited as it will be coming by mid February. The contemporary couch and loveseat are a very dark espresso colored leather. We purchased two rocker recliners to serve as accent furniture. The pattern, also contemporary, encompasses many fun colored dots. It's called "Crayola Hodgepodge". Fun! I've attached pictures below, keep in mind the couches don't appear near as dark in the photos as they really are. The photos are more of a milk chocolate whereas the actual color of ours will be a dark chocolate.

We still have to find a coffee table or storage ottoman, as well as endtables and some artwork for the living room, but slowly, it's coming together. As I said in the title, 7 1/2 years after the wedding we're finally doing something to make our house more of a home.

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