Monday, March 15, 2010


"I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like"

In case some of you have no idea or rather, don't know what the above lyrics are, they're from the song "Bicycle Race" made famous by the historic band Queen. :)

Yes, it is true, Lincoln now has his 1st bicycle!! We purchased the adorable light blue/navy blue/orange Huffy "rock it" bike at Walmart last night and even bought a little something extra, a noisy horn to put on it for Lincoln to squeak. :) He looks like such a big boy on it! He's very excited, to say the least. He can't wait to use it outside, which, I'm guessing will be some time today, since we already have a helmet for him. We will have to work with him a little though (well, Daddy will because Mommy's back can't handle it) because he did get a little frustrated using his new bike at the store because he often tries to back pedal and well, on kids' bikes, back pedaling is braking. He doesn't like that it brakes because to him that is stopping and he wants to go go go! Thank goodness Mother Nature has turned a corner and we have plenty of time to get him acclimated to his new toy. :) Here's some photos to enjoy. :)

On another note, Happy Daylight Savings! (Change those smoke detector batteries!) Even 'losing' an hour of sleep, we gained more daylight during the day, which I love! Especially now that temperatures outside are comfortable, that means more outside time for Lincoln! Every birthday Lincoln has had thus far (only 2 :) ) I've thought about getting a climber/swingset for his birthday. I think this may be the year, as he is able to go on them at the park by himself. So, I am in research mode to find one I like that he will hopefully be able to grow with. He turns 3 on May 1st! *Mommy tear. :(

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