Tuesday, March 9, 2010

From "Pacifiers to Potty"

Hi everyone! Sorry I'm kind of bad about updating on here. Also, it's been so long since I put the layout on here, I can't remember how I did it and I want to change it! (Katie, I may be calling you. :) ) Anyway for updates...let's see:

I no longer am working at Pediatric Center. It didn't end up being a good fit for me, so I am looking for other jobs, but I do miss it often.

Lincoln is a chatterbox these days. Sometimes I just crack up at the things he says. For example, recently the dogs sgot haircuts. The other day we were in the kitchen and he squatted down to Ozzy and said "you look handsome, new haircut". Scott and I started cracking up because we say that a lot to the dogs in the first few days after they get haircuts. It was so cute. Lincoln is always quick to want to get home to "see Ozzy & Jack", he loves his dogs. However, we are currently battling with Lincoln because he is tormenting the dogs by throwing things at them and smacking them. It gets very frustrating because he doesn't quit doing it. Any suggestions??
Our most recent venture with Lincoln is FINALLY getting rid of his pacifier. He affectionately refers to it as "pappy". On February 11th Lincoln had his very 1st dentist appointment. The dentist informed me that Lincoln has an 'open bite'. Basically, your top teeth should normally overlap your bottom teeth when you clench them together. Well, Lincoln has a open gap when he clenches his teeth. The dentist said that is from the pacifier. He did inform me that the 'damage was done' earlier when his teeth were coming in. Ooops! Well, for several months, he has only been allowed to use it at nap/bedtime and that is it. However, he hasn't been using it at all at daycare during naps! So, we decided since he didn't need it there, he certainly didn't need it at home, especially knowing about the open bite. So, Lincoln's dentist suggested an idea to us to get rid of the pacifier. We tried the clipping the nipple of one a long time ago, but he still sucked on it! So I knew that wasn't an option. So here's what we did. We ventured down to our mall to "Build a Bear Workshop". We picked out a cute puppy and when going to get it stuffed, Lincoln handed his "pappy" to the lady to be put into his new puppy, who we named "PAPPY".
He seemed to handle it well at the time, but come naptime, he was an emotional wreck. He was grabbing at the back of the puppy to try to get the pacifier out, it was heartbreaking. I got to thinking about it and I bet the way a smoker feels when they quit cold turkey is how my 2 1/2 year old was feeling. It was his comfort, his security, and even worse, he didn't have the choice to quit, it was taken away from him. :( But it had to be done, it affected his teeth. It's been a battle at nap/bedtime, but the amount of time he cries for it is getting shorter. He sleeps with "Pappy the Puppy" now.

In other news, we are slowly in the process of potty training, thankfully, they work with him at school too. He loves his stand up potty from Aunt Melissa and Uncle Adam. The "Peter Potty Urinal" (target.com) can be kept on the adjustable height stand or mounted to the wall, and even has a flusher. :)
As we are all ready for spring and the ending of snow, we're also excited about the upcoming wedding of Scott's sister Melissa and her fiance Adam. They will be married April 17th in San Diego, CA. Lincoln is the ringbearer. :) It will be nice to be in the warm weather, as it has been a long winter.

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