Today involved some nasty heat, so much so that the power went out a few times. I'd already decided this morning, that knowing we had a heat advisory that I wasn't going out in the heat. I don't and never have handled heat well. But, I knew Lincoln would have fun if we set up a pool. Problem, our pool has a leak, and it was cheap enough I wasn't going to try to find the stupid leak/s to patch.
So, against my desire to not venture outside, I loaded Lincoln in the car and we made a trip to Target, made a mad dash for the pool aisle, grabbed one, checked out, and came home. It was quite possibly the shortest trip to Target I've ever had and probably the only trip in which I came home with the ONE and ONLY thing on my list. :)
It took me forever, but with a lot of my sacraficed air and by the intensity of my headache, I'm guessing some brain cell loss, I got the pool inflated. So we filled it with freezing cold water and bath toys. We sat out there for awhile and even let Ozzy and Jack join in on the fun. :) There's no better way to spend a hot day than with my three favorite boys. :)