Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Papa's Plane

This post is kind of an add on to my "Cars vs. Kee Kee" post in which I wished Lincoln would have just one favorite thing he has to sleep with instead of many things he has to sleep with. I completely forgot, there is one thing he frequently requests at bed time. Probably more so than any other toy. "Papa's Plane".

Papa had a lot of little knick knacks on his dresser. One of them was this little Army airplane. Lincoln loved playing with it when he visited Papa. After Papa passed, Lincoln was given the airplane. The little plane has since lost both tiny propellers but still holds Lincoln's heart. :) We keep a very close eye on this plane. I don't really let Lincoln take it out of the house, except when he's requested to take it if we're going to see Nana and my mom (Nonie).

I miss my Papa. I miss seeing his eyes light up when seeing Lincoln. Lincoln most likely at his age won't remember Papa, but I'll make sure he knows about the wonderful grandfather he had and how much his Papa loved him.

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