Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kee Kee vs. Cars

When I was younger, I had a favorite blanket, I called it my kee-kee. My kee-kee went everywhere with me, but most importantly, it went with me to bed. Never have I wanted my son to have a dependency on one thing so much.

Today, as I laid Lincoln down for a nap, he got up to go get some cars. Yes, he sleeps with matchbox cars, this is nothing new. Usually, he gets about 2-3 cars to sleep with. I don't love this little habit of his, but he goes to bed feeling secure because he has his cars.

Well, today he had to get out of bed 3 times. Eventually, when all was said and done, 13 cars and one airplane lay in bed with Lincoln! Ugh, I wish he had a kee-kee... :)

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