Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy Birthday, Omaha, New Baby, and Nerves.

I want to wish a Happy Birthday to one of my best girlfriends Katie!! I hope you have a great day!

This last weekend we had a great time. On Friday, we headed to the Iowa State Fair. Despite the storming and getting rained on, it was a good time. Lincoln liked seeing all the animals, however, he had no interest in getting pictures taken by their gates. Stinker. We did our usual at the fair and got the 'bucket of cookies'. This year though, we were disappointed as they were barely warm enough to melt the chocolate chips! Usually they're piping hot out of the oven and paired with a glass of milk, ahhhhhhhhhh. Well, hopefully they'll redeem themselves next year. The last thing we hit was the 4H building, which is my personal favorite, as I love seeing what the kids come up with.

Friday night after the fair we headed to Omaha. When we got to Embassy Suites at 7:00 or so, Lincoln had just woken up, as he slept the entire way there from Des Moines. I'm like 'well, what time is he going to go to bed now!' So, we settled into our room and went down to the restaurant, we grabbed a bite to eat, and at 9:00, took Lincoln swimming! Yes, 9:00pm! He got lots of jumping and splashing in. :) Lincoln loves swimming, he's a little fish. So, when we got back to the room and gave him a bath, it was time for bed and he wasn't so sure about going to bed there. He kept saying "I want to go to my bed", he was quite upset. He wanted to go home! Well, come Sunday when it was time to leave, he was quite upset because he didn't want to leave!! He didn't want to go home! Then, as we put him to bed last night he said, "I want to go to bed in the room". Tee-hee-hee.

Also on Friday, our close friends Spencer, Jill, and Chloe Smith welcomed their newest addition, little Landon Jacob into the world! I've blogged many times about the loss of and how much we miss our dear friend Shannon. Well, Spencer is one of Shannon's brothers. To give you a little background info if you don't know already, Spencer was a groomsan at our wedding, all the Smith boys were FHers with Scott, and Shannon worked at P&G and lived with us twice. So this family is very special to us. We love them. So, little Landon weighed 7lbs. 4oz. and was 19 3/4 in. Landon's name was derived in what I think is such a cool idea! Daddy Spencer's middle name is Noland. So, with the switching of some letters, born was the name Landon! Jacob was Shannon's middle name, so Landon is named after both his Daddy, and his Uncle Shannon's middle names! Landon Jacob Smith. Perfect ring to it. :) Congratulations to the Smith family, we love you all!

On Saturday, Scott's cousin Jess got married (to Mikala). It was a great time and very very beautiful. There was definite attention to every detail, as Mikala is an event planner, it was amazing. Congrats to the newleyweds!

On a less positive note, today (Monday) I'm having a procedure called a Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) performed. I'm so beyond nervous I can't even begin to say. I'm terrified. The procedure involves insertion of a speculum into the vagina, cleaning of the cervix, and insertion of a cathether into the cervix up into the uterus. Then a balloon is inflated to hold the catheter in place while contrast dye is administered through the uterus. This is checking for different uterine defects such as blocked fallopian tubes or septal defects present. What we're hoping to see is the uterus filling, followed by the tubes, and the dye spilling out on each side to show no blockages. This procedure is just one of the things my OB starts with (aside from all my labwork, all 15 tubes!) when someone has recurrent miscarriages. We don't necessarily think my uterus is structurally the issue, I became pregnant 3 times already. But nonetheless, an HSG is part of the checklist, just in case.

I went on youtube and watched some of the textbook videos of the procedure. Then I watched a few videos of women who documented what to expect from the procedure. A few of them freaked me out as I read their comments to the video. One lady was like "it was the most painful thing I've ever experienced and I will never, NEVER, do it again!" Great. Awesome. Wonderful. Perfect. I'm supposed to just relax? YAH RIGHT!!!

I really don't want to have this done, but I'm a weenie, and millions of women have gone through it so I know I need to suck it up. I'm just soooooooooooooooo scared!!!! :(

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrea! I'm just catching up on your blog. I too, had to take clomid in order to get pregnant with Addison. I also had the HSG test done before I went on clomid. By the time you read this you'll probably already be done with your test. But just wanted to let you know that I thought it was no big deal. Didn't hurt - just some slight cramping afterwards. Good luck with your tests and procedures. I'll be thinking of you!
