Monday, August 23, 2010

"Well Ma'am, no Hysterosalpingogram"

Well, I went to the hospital for my dreaded procedure. I get the gown on, get in the room, and the doctor comes in and starts asking me questions. He finds out I miscarried just 9 days ago and disappears for a bit. He comes back to the room and proceeds to tell me that he's not comfortable doing the procedure so soon after my miscarriage. He's worried there could be 'left over debris' and it could alter the results of the procedure, ultimately leading to me having to do the procedure over to confirm or deny the result from today. So he said it was in my best interest to postpone the procedure.

The labs I had on Thursday aren't back, and won't be for another week or so. So that's it. That's where I'm at. Until next time...

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