Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Life Laughs by Lincoln--Vol.1

So this past weekend I realized my toes were in some serious need of re-painting. Since it was the Cyclones vs. Hawkeyes game I decided to support our alma mater Iowa State by sporting red toenails. Evidently, the 'Clones weren't informed of my painting my toes red to support them, as evidenced by the final score of the game. Anyway, as I was painting my toenails, Lincoln comes into the bathroom and looks at my toes and curiously points to them, looks up at me and says 'it hurts?'. My sweet little guy evidently thought my toes were bleeding!! I smiled and had a little chuckle and said 'no sweetie, it doesn't hurt'. Periodically he still touches my toes and says 'it hurts?' and each time I have to gladly remind him, 'no hunny, mommy's toes don't hurt.' Out of the mouths of babes. :)

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