Tuesday, September 15, 2009

No Pacifier = No Sleep

I am writing this post after having one of the most sleepless nights I've ever had with Lincoln, maybe even worse than his newborn days. :( Lincoln has had pacifier priveledges at bedtime for quite some time and I decided that since he doesn't use it for naps at daycare, he shouldn't have to use it at home either. Sunday was our first trial of no paci. He napped without it, and slept through the night only waking up once. I thought to myself, 'hey, that was easy'. Wow was I in for it. Last night, being night two without paci, was what I expected night one to be like. He cried until 10:30 (he's in bed anywhere between 8-8:30), so I didn't want to go to bed until he fell asleep. Finally he did and I went to bed not knowing I'd spend most of the night getting in and out of it. I lost count of how many times I woke up with Lincoln crying, and I tell you what, I was ready to cave in and get the pacifier out of the cupboard, but I didn't. Eventually I pulled him into bed with us even though I really don't want him to get into the habit of sleeping in our bed, but I was so tired I thought maybe he'd sleep if he was with us. NOPE! He still woke up frequently. So I gave up and we're up for the day. I really hope tonight doesn't go like last night did, because I'm in a vulnerable state that I just may forget taking the pacifier away and my child will end up a 5 year old who still uses it to sleep. Gosh I hope not...

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