Tuesday, September 15, 2009


When my mom used to watch Lincoln she came across these little yogurt covered snacks. Kellogg's YoGos. They come in a variety of different flavors and even a few are sour versions. Lincoln LOVES most of the regular flavors, the sour he doesn't care for.

He's even developed his own little tradition, when I pick him up from preschool and we get home, within 5 minutes he runs to his little Fisher-Price chair that Scott's parents bought him for his very first Christmas. Now, he's been too big for this cute little chair for awhile now. On the little sidebar table that is attached to the chair it has a little 'bowl-like' dip underneath the little flippy book that is his designated 'yogo dish'.

So I ask, how can I put this chair away when Lincoln is so cute and runs to sit on it and asks for his yogos? Well, I haven't yet been able to. :)

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