Thursday, September 17, 2009

Like Father, Like Son--Vol. 1

When Scott traveled to Broken Bow this past 4th of July, Jerry & Linda brought out Scott's old tractor that his Grandpa had made and decided to let Lincoln have a try on it.
So I thought it'd be fun to periodically post some of the 'like' photos I have of Scott when he was a little guy, and Lincoln in similar photos. So born now into my blog is the 'Like Father, Like Son' volumes. It's also fun to look back on Scott's baby photos because people always ask me how Lincoln got the blonde hair he has when I've had dark hair from the moment I was born. Well, he gets it from his Daddy, only Scott had whiter blonde hair and Lincoln has more golden blonde hair. Nonetheless, my Italian genes are obviously not dominant. Enjoy the photos. :)

Lincoln John-July 2009 (Age 2)
Scott Jeremy-August 1984 (Age 3)

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