Saturday, September 19, 2009

Like Father, Like Son--Vol. 2

I've established that Lincoln is definitely 'all boy'. Not only is he into 'planes, trains, and automobiles' as the saying goes, but he is also into 'helping' Daddy do 'big boy' stuff and doing 'big boy' stuff like Daddy does. So, I decided to take Lincoln outside after he woke up from his nap. I really thought he was going to dive into helping Scott with washing the cars. Nope. He instead spotted his 'wheels' or so we call it. It is no secret that Scott's favorite hobby is to play golf.

So, in the spirit of maybe passing down the love of this pastime to Lincoln, Lincoln owns his very own golf cart!! Above is the 'Little Driver' Golf Cart that Lincoln has. I know for sure it is sold on We got it for a deal however from the store 'Tuesday Morning' before Christmas. Ours did come with the golf clubs and balls shown, but not the little flag and hole. It seats one child up to 3 years old and 65 pounds.

This is the 'Big Driver' golf cart. I thought I'd post it as well for those of you who may have 2 little people that would like it. :) Also sold on it looks like it seats 2 kids ages 3+ and up to 90 pounds.

Anyway, Lincoln's just recently figured out how to drive his golf cart. Before he didn't make the connection that keeping the foot constant on the pedal makes it go, and turning the wheel helps you NOT run into things. Well, I must say, he's become a pretty good driver now, at the age of 2 1/2. Kinda scares a mommy a bit. ;) He tears off down the cul-de-sac (I LOVE living on a quiet cul-de-sac) in his little golf cart, entertaining both myself and Scott, but the neighbors who hear the little cart and come out to investigate only to find out it's our little man driving like a big boy. :)

In the foreward to his late father Earl Woods' book, Tiger Woods quoted 'In retrospect, golf for me was an apparent attempt to emulate the person I looked up to more than anyone: my father. He was instrumental in helping me develop the drive to achieve, but his role — as well as my mother's — was one of support and guidance, not interference.'

Well, Lincoln may never grow up to be on the PGA tour, and that is just fine with us. If he does love golf as much as Tiger does and grows up to be 'the next Tiger', that is just fine with us too. But we would like to adopt the same lesson from Tiger's parents in instilling into Lincoln the 'drive to achieve, support, guide, and not interfere.'

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