Thursday, April 15, 2010

Congratulations & California...

Well we head out to Chicago today for our trip in the morning to San Diego to celebrate the marriage of Scott's sister Melissa and her fiance' Adam. On Saturday they take their vows on the beach and become Mr. and Mrs. Adam & Melissa Lynd!!
We're really looking forward to the nice getaway, taking Lincoln to the beach, and to see everyone. We hope Lincoln handles the plane ride well. We've been telling him over the last few days about going to ride on a plane because he loves watching planes fly in the air. He says everyday, 'going to ride on the airplane and "eat" (meet) Mickey!" It's soooooo cute. Oh and yes, after the wedding we're going to Disneyland to "eat" Mickey. But first, Lincoln has a big job in the wedding, he's the ringbearer! ;) Let's hope he performs. :) I really think he'll be ok though, his 4 girl cousins are flower girls and I know they'll be a big help with the little guy. :) Well, this will probably be my last blog before we get back on Wednesday. Stay tuned for pictures to follow!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Is there such a thing as an 'Italian Temper'?

WE NEED HELP/SUGGESTIONS!! Everyone in our household is suffering the 'rath of Lincoln'. Yes, Lincoln has an AWFUL temper and I am really at my wits end! There's the saying 'he has the awful Italian temper', which, being part Italian myself, I believe it because I have it! Hahaha. But I don't physically abuse! I don't know where Lincoln thinks it's ok to be as aggressive as he is. The only place I can guess he sees this behavior is at school, because when he's not there, he's with one or both of us, and we don't smack, hit, and kick. I really don't think however that he does this at school, because I know they would tell me if he was because they have 'incident reports' for about any confrontation, especially if it is physical. I think this is just something he does at home with Scott, me, and the dogs. It is really becoming a major concern.

He torments the dogs. Bad. He yells at them and he throws things at them like cars, trains, and even big stuff! He smacks them right off the couch or chases them around smacking them. He knows it's not ok to do this, as he often tells us 'don't kick Ozzy' or 'don't squeeze Ozzy'. Ozzy puts up with a lot. He for the most part takes it. Jack however frankly can't stand Lincoln, and because Lincoln knows this, Jack is the one that is often the brunt of the abuse. Lincoln laughs his head off when Jack growls at him! Then Jack will snip at him and Lincoln bawls like he just lost a limb. Then he continues to try and hit Jack for snipping at him! It's a vicious cycle! In fact, as I type this, he is at it!
He smacks both Scott and myself when he's angry whether it be smack across the face or somewhere else. He gets right in our faces and screams at us. If we're holding him it can get really bad. Last night he smacked Scott twice in the side of the face with a car. He'll pick up a car or something else and I know he's going to throw it despite my telling him not to, and I end up in trying to cover my head to avoid getting hit. Lincoln is our only child, so I don't know how 3 year olds are supposed to act and what's a 'normal' amount of aggression. I really don't think these are normal temper tantrums however. The fact that at many times I fear my 3 year old, tells me it's not normal or ok.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Kickboxing...kicking my butt!

I just completed my first week of my kickboxing class! I must say, it is kicking my a**!!! It is a cardio aerobic/kickboxing combo that I signed up for at the rec center. Monday and Wednesday it is extensive aerobics combined with weight lifting and on Tuesday and Thursday it is kickboxing which is made up of punches and kicks. Both classes combine stretching excercises as well. Day 1 I didn't know if I'd be able to go back, it was awful!! But I kept pressing on and went day after day. I am sore during the day but surprising to me after I go to my class, I don't feel the pain as much. I guess that's what they always talk about, having to work past the pain. 3 more weeks of this session and then I decide if I sign up for the next session, wish me luck!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Hoppy" Easter 2010

"Hoppy" Easter everyone!! We hope you all have a blessed and enjoyable day today and that the Easter bunny was good to everyone. :) Today is Lincoln's 3rd Easter. :) I posted some pictures to enjoy of Lincoln at Eastertime over the last 3 years. Enjoy!

This is Lincoln's 1st Easter (2008) and the only 'professional bunny' shot we have of him. It was so cute to see him laughing at the bunnies. :)

Here's the loot from the Easter bunny on Lincoln's 2nd Easter (2009). :)

Here's Lincoln checking out the loot, the Easter bunny brought him lots of cool books that year!
We went to Nana, Papa, and Nonie's house that day for an Easter egg hunt, and it was soooooo cold outside!!
Here is a picture from last year with our beloved and very missed Papa. :( Lincoln had a very special connection with his Papa, and we are sad to not have him here anymore. However, we know Papa is among Angels now in Heaven and gets to celebrate this year with the risen Christ.
Happy Easter 2010! Here's the loot left this morning from the Easter bunny. This year, lots of treats were left because Lincoln LOVES treats. :)

Here he is, 6:30am checking out his cool stuff. His favorite were the cars that he got. Lincoln hasn't been feeling good the last few days. He's had a bad cold and had a fever off and on yesterday. So in the picture you can see his "BE KOOL" jel strip on his head. It helps draw the heat from his head onto the strip and is good for 8 hours. They are really nice and he leaves them on.
More pictures to come later! Have a great day! We love you all!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Eggs

At the beginning of the week, we decided to color our Easter eggs. Lincoln loved putting an egg into each of the 6 colors we had.

However, he didn't so much like having to wait for the eggs to color. Here's our six colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. :) In the photo you can see "Mr. The King" and "Mrs. The King" from the movie "CARS" had to be part of the festivities as well. :)

I had boiled a dozen to color, but one didn't make it to the color because Lincoln wanted to eat it. :) He actually ended up leaving 3 pieces of the egg white and put each piece into a colored container to be dyed! So we ended up with 3 pieces of colored egg white, it was hilarious, but grossed me out. In the picture you can see one piece in the red, one tiny piece in the blue, and another larger piece in the yellow.
The finished egg "whites".
The eggs turned out very pretty and I had this adorable cardboard bunny display stand. :)

Unfortunately, the beautiful colored egg display was short lived.
I was cleaning up the dishes when I heard a cracking sound. I looked over to see Lincoln banging together the eggs we just dyed! He had managed to crack all of them! So, Daddy sat down with Lincoln and had to peel all of our eggs. :(
I wonder if they'll survive longer next year, we'll see. :)