Monday, April 12, 2010

Is there such a thing as an 'Italian Temper'?

WE NEED HELP/SUGGESTIONS!! Everyone in our household is suffering the 'rath of Lincoln'. Yes, Lincoln has an AWFUL temper and I am really at my wits end! There's the saying 'he has the awful Italian temper', which, being part Italian myself, I believe it because I have it! Hahaha. But I don't physically abuse! I don't know where Lincoln thinks it's ok to be as aggressive as he is. The only place I can guess he sees this behavior is at school, because when he's not there, he's with one or both of us, and we don't smack, hit, and kick. I really don't think however that he does this at school, because I know they would tell me if he was because they have 'incident reports' for about any confrontation, especially if it is physical. I think this is just something he does at home with Scott, me, and the dogs. It is really becoming a major concern.

He torments the dogs. Bad. He yells at them and he throws things at them like cars, trains, and even big stuff! He smacks them right off the couch or chases them around smacking them. He knows it's not ok to do this, as he often tells us 'don't kick Ozzy' or 'don't squeeze Ozzy'. Ozzy puts up with a lot. He for the most part takes it. Jack however frankly can't stand Lincoln, and because Lincoln knows this, Jack is the one that is often the brunt of the abuse. Lincoln laughs his head off when Jack growls at him! Then Jack will snip at him and Lincoln bawls like he just lost a limb. Then he continues to try and hit Jack for snipping at him! It's a vicious cycle! In fact, as I type this, he is at it!
He smacks both Scott and myself when he's angry whether it be smack across the face or somewhere else. He gets right in our faces and screams at us. If we're holding him it can get really bad. Last night he smacked Scott twice in the side of the face with a car. He'll pick up a car or something else and I know he's going to throw it despite my telling him not to, and I end up in trying to cover my head to avoid getting hit. Lincoln is our only child, so I don't know how 3 year olds are supposed to act and what's a 'normal' amount of aggression. I really don't think these are normal temper tantrums however. The fact that at many times I fear my 3 year old, tells me it's not normal or ok.

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