Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Hoppy" Easter 2010

"Hoppy" Easter everyone!! We hope you all have a blessed and enjoyable day today and that the Easter bunny was good to everyone. :) Today is Lincoln's 3rd Easter. :) I posted some pictures to enjoy of Lincoln at Eastertime over the last 3 years. Enjoy!

This is Lincoln's 1st Easter (2008) and the only 'professional bunny' shot we have of him. It was so cute to see him laughing at the bunnies. :)

Here's the loot from the Easter bunny on Lincoln's 2nd Easter (2009). :)

Here's Lincoln checking out the loot, the Easter bunny brought him lots of cool books that year!
We went to Nana, Papa, and Nonie's house that day for an Easter egg hunt, and it was soooooo cold outside!!
Here is a picture from last year with our beloved and very missed Papa. :( Lincoln had a very special connection with his Papa, and we are sad to not have him here anymore. However, we know Papa is among Angels now in Heaven and gets to celebrate this year with the risen Christ.
Happy Easter 2010! Here's the loot left this morning from the Easter bunny. This year, lots of treats were left because Lincoln LOVES treats. :)

Here he is, 6:30am checking out his cool stuff. His favorite were the cars that he got. Lincoln hasn't been feeling good the last few days. He's had a bad cold and had a fever off and on yesterday. So in the picture you can see his "BE KOOL" jel strip on his head. It helps draw the heat from his head onto the strip and is good for 8 hours. They are really nice and he leaves them on.
More pictures to come later! Have a great day! We love you all!

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