Friday, April 9, 2010

Kickboxing...kicking my butt!

I just completed my first week of my kickboxing class! I must say, it is kicking my a**!!! It is a cardio aerobic/kickboxing combo that I signed up for at the rec center. Monday and Wednesday it is extensive aerobics combined with weight lifting and on Tuesday and Thursday it is kickboxing which is made up of punches and kicks. Both classes combine stretching excercises as well. Day 1 I didn't know if I'd be able to go back, it was awful!! But I kept pressing on and went day after day. I am sore during the day but surprising to me after I go to my class, I don't feel the pain as much. I guess that's what they always talk about, having to work past the pain. 3 more weeks of this session and then I decide if I sign up for the next session, wish me luck!!

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