Thursday, April 15, 2010

Congratulations & California...

Well we head out to Chicago today for our trip in the morning to San Diego to celebrate the marriage of Scott's sister Melissa and her fiance' Adam. On Saturday they take their vows on the beach and become Mr. and Mrs. Adam & Melissa Lynd!!
We're really looking forward to the nice getaway, taking Lincoln to the beach, and to see everyone. We hope Lincoln handles the plane ride well. We've been telling him over the last few days about going to ride on a plane because he loves watching planes fly in the air. He says everyday, 'going to ride on the airplane and "eat" (meet) Mickey!" It's soooooo cute. Oh and yes, after the wedding we're going to Disneyland to "eat" Mickey. But first, Lincoln has a big job in the wedding, he's the ringbearer! ;) Let's hope he performs. :) I really think he'll be ok though, his 4 girl cousins are flower girls and I know they'll be a big help with the little guy. :) Well, this will probably be my last blog before we get back on Wednesday. Stay tuned for pictures to follow!

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