Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ice Cream Truck, TAKE 2...

The ice cream truck came down our street again last night. I hesitated because Lincoln and I shared a bowl of ice cream about 30 minutes before. He even asked me for more at the time and I said no because he had a majority of the bowl! But, I'm a sucker. I remembered the first time (what like a week ago?) when he asked me for Dora and I had to tell him, 'next time buddy'. Well, here was our chance. So we headed out front and sure enough, Lincoln picked the Dora bar. :)
So our little guy came inside and very proud, sat down and ate his Dora bar. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrea! Of course I remember you. Your little guy sure is a cutie! Gosh, we've come a long way since that crazy night in Iowa City, haven't we?! I added your blog to my list too. Take care!
