Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ice Cream Truck

We've all probably heard it at some point in our lives, my childhood summers we're frequented by its song. The sound of "The Entertainer" at full volume getting louder and louder as it approaches your neighborhood. Yes, it's the ice cream truck. :)
I always loved running up and picking out my selection although ridiculously expensive. Well, last night "The Entertainer" was gracing our street. Usually I don't miss that catchy annoying tune, but the TV was blaring with Toy Story 2 on. Scott looked at me and said "you hear it?" I jumped off the couch excited and said to Lincoln, "c'mon hunny, it's the ice cream man". I flew open the front door, nearly missing them as they were about to pass my house. Of course I flagged 'em down! I didn't want Lincoln to miss it! The three of us went outside and walked up to the truck. I said to Lincoln, "ok buddy, which one do you want?" First he thought the "Ironman" bar, then maybe the "Dora" bar, finally, he selected the "Spiderman" bar. :)

I was thrilled he didn't consider the "Spongebob" bar, I won't watch that dumb show let alone let Lincoln. :) Scott and I both got ice cream sandwiches. :) Lincoln was so excited as he plopped into a chair and went to town on his ice cream. It actually had white gumball eyes! My little boy had his first ice-cream truck experience. :) After finishing the Spiderman bar, he said, "Dora ice cream?" To which I had to say, "maybe next time buddy. :)

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