Friday, June 11, 2010

The papergirls

So, one of my 2 best girlfriends, Katie, recently took on a paper route to have some extra cash. Paper routes have evolved from what they used to be. Long gone are the 'paperboy's on their bicycles.' Even looking for newspaper clipart, I couldn't find a papergirl! :( Just paperboy's on bikes. Well these days there are paperboys & papergirls and generally, they travel by automobiles. :) Well, 2 weeks into her 7 morning/week route, yes EVERY MORNING, I myself couldn't sleep, so I decided to tag along. It is now 9:30 am. We got to the distribution center at 2 am, rubber banded all the papers (we didn't have to put them in plastic bags today) and delivered all the necessary papers by 5:00am this morning. When I got home, it took me a bit to fall asleep, but I did nonetheless, only to be woken up with "Mommy, wake up" at 8:00am. I was tired, but I'm functioning.

About my experience, a few houses in, Katie gave me a paper to toss, I chucked it, only to have it go into the person's bush, no where near their door. I dragged myself up to the house and placed in on the front stoop. The next house, I chucked theirs, only to have it hit the house and bounce right back. Again, no where near the door. I again got out and placed it on their front stoop. I returned to Katie's car where my bruised ego and myself were beginning to think I wouldn't make it as a papergirl, (or a pitcher for that matter) I'd be fired before I finished one block!! I told Katie "I'm so fired!" She laughed and I said "give me another chance". We had about 100 more chances in the back seat. :) By the end of the night, my aim was a little sharper, my arm a little stronger.

Thank you Katie, for allowing me to tag along on your journey. I end with this, I think your freakin' nuts. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Andrea! I got your comment and wanted to let you know that I don't mind anyone following my blog. It is kind of fun to see what people are doing. Amazing the tips I have picked up without even asking anyone. The Bormann twins are super cute!
