Thursday, June 17, 2010

Soccer Mom!


Yes, today I'm officially a soccer mom! Well, for the day at least, if Lincoln decides he doesn't like it. I guess I have to also say, maybe I'm not a 'true soccer mom' because I don't have a minivan, but close enough. :) I signed our little guy up for "Introduction to Soccer Starz" at one of the local gym/physical therapy facilities, "Performance Therapies". It is really close to our house which is nice too. Lincoln will have soccer from 11:00am-11:45am every Thursday. :) I'm sooooooooo excited!

I've always wanted at least one of my children to play soccer. I've never actually followed the world of soccer or anything, I just like the sport. In fact, in high school, you know how the girls are always 'crazy' about the football and basketball players? I was never one of those crazy about athletes in general, but I did think the soccer players were the hotter ones! I can always tell by looking at a guys calves if he's been a soccer player. Hahahahahahahahaha. :)

Don't misunderstand me, I don't necessarily want my son to be the object of any girls affection any time soon, but he is pretty darn cute, so soccer player or not, I know I should realistically prepare myself for girls to be calling my house far sooner than I'd probably like them to be. So we'll see how this goes in a few hours. I'll post an update later!

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